Legal Representation To Help You Do The Math

Holding Drunk Drivers Accountable

When a person decides to get behind the wheel under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are endangering the lives of everyone they pass by while driving. If a person gets behind the wheel while intoxicated, they need to be responsible for the consequences of any harm they cause, but holding them accountable often requires the guidance of a skilled personal injury attorney.

At Do the Math, we understand the devastation a DWI accident can cause, and we are committed to helping the people of the Raleigh community and the surrounding areas recover from their injuries. Having handled hundreds of DWI criminal cases, we understand the ins and outs of DWI cases and how we can use that information to get you the compensation you deserve for another driver’s poor choices. We explore all available options for maximizing the compensation our clients receive while minimizing the time it takes to resolve these claims.

The Stakes Are High In DWI Crashes

Due to the state of an intoxicated driver, the accidents they cause are commonly more severe than sober accidents, which result in more catastrophic injuries in victims. Forms of these injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Loss of limbs
  • Scarring, burns and disfigurement
  • Nerve damage
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Paralysis
  • Death

To us, it is not enough for these claims to simply have the liable party “pay the bill” for their actions; they also need to experience consequences for making the choice to drive while intoxicated. To pursue this goal, we seek punitive damages in these cases to also collect compensation for our clients as a form of punishment against the drunk driver.

As we represent our clients, we take the time to explain the details of their claim, what options they have, and how we are helping them. One way we help our clients through their claims is by collecting payment for our work if we win compensation for our clients, and we only collect payment from the money we win in these cases. This way, you will not have to worry about paying for us to help you when you need us most.

Let Us Help You Seek Justice

When someone chooses to endanger your life by recklessly driving and you need help getting through it, do the math and reach out to a skilled lawyer for the help you deserve. Call a North Carolina attorney you can depend on today and take the first step in resolving your personal injury claim. You can reach our Raleigh office at 919-335-5291 or by emailing us here.